In a financial conference this week, Blizzard Entertainment, publisher of the wildly popular Warcraft, Starcraft and Diablo series commented that it has no current plans for a 2011 game release. Which is to say that highly anticipated action-RPG Diablo III is getting bumped.
Additionally, the news squashes rumors that Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm, the second installment of Starcraft II, will see release in 2011, but essentially confirms it for 2012. Blizzard said they did not want to nail down a Diablo III release date, but the game’s development is going well, and its release would depend on the success of the game’s upcoming beta test.
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- Author:
- Mag 26
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- Posted On:
- Feb. 14, 2011
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We'll be playing D3 in nursing homes.
Man, i would have wanted it to XMass atleast.