Diablo 3 beta gameplay videos have finally surfaced around the net. The video shows off all five of the different character classes which are the Wizard, Witch Doctor, Demon Hunter, Barbarian, and the Monk. The gameplay is quite reminiscent of Diablo 2 which is good news for gamers who are looking to return to this franchise after so many long awaited years.
Some definite noticeable improvements are the way Diablo 3 looks. Highlighted elements and 3D polish on enemies seems to be one of the finer improvements, as well as texture maps and location design being another huge upgrade.
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Source: http://www.devicemag.com/2011/08/01/diablo-3-beta-gameplay/
- Author:
- Mag 26
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- Posted On:
- Aug. 4, 2011
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no sorry blizzard is not sending cd keys of DIII today i hope they will send it at last of blizzcon
Are the blizzard sending the beta keys now?