Introduce Yourself
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  • Hi everyone!

    I'm EvanStoneFan. (Evan Stone is an actor.)

    My favorite RTS of all the time is Starcraft, fav RPG: Diablo II: LoD (hey, that's Blizzard-game too XD)

    I like rap, basketball and soccer.

    Other fav games: Half-Life 2, F.E.A.R. 2, Bioshock, Prince of Persia, Dark Messiah, Scarface, World in Conflict, Supreme Commander 2, Quake 4, Borderlands, Call Of Juarez 2, UT3, Heroes V, Splinter Cell 1-5, Rainbow Six Vegas 2, Gears of War

    Go Blizzard, you are the BEST!!!!

    Registered User
  • Hello nibbits community!

    What can I say to introduce myself?!

    I'm a french blizzard (sc,war3,wow..) player called Frankiff. I play League of Legends (DoTA-like), waiting for SC2 release or a Beta key.

    My first online experience was on starcraft, it was 14years ago or something like that. So when I heard about SC2, all I want to say is "IT'S ABOUT TIME!"

    Have a good day :)

    Registered User
  • Hi all people, nice to meet you

    Registered User
  • Hello ,

    I'm oliver , i like your website . Long life to starcraft 2 !

    Best regards !

  • hey all,
    I'm explicit, I've been making madness maps forever. I can't wait for sc2 map maker to come out. fun. fun.

  • zup all im ketamine i play SC since grade school, thanks for this site, very helpful. congrats to all staff. see yah around

    Registered User
  • Hi,

    the StarCrack All-in-One brought me here, and I have to say: pretty nice site.
    (But seriously mean that you tap into our leveling addiction by adding XP and Levels to the site)

    Well I am a WC3 fun map player, who is starting to like SCII, never played SC though.

    Registered User
  • Hey everybody!

    A few days ago, I finally got a SC2 beta key. Whee! I haven't been able to play that much due to unforeseen circumstances, but I'm loving it!

    I play on the EU realm, and am looking for a 2v2 partner and 1v1 practice partners :)

    Hoping they fix the profile corruption issue soon.

  • Hi..My name is Dan from Romania..a big fan of the Starcraft..i play this game from 1999...BLIZZARD MOVE YOUR BUTT AND GIVE US STARCRAFT2..."HELL IS ABOUT TIME

    Registered User
  • By the way..nice job boys...

    Registered User
  • hello, i'm alive

    Registered User
  • I am Coldfusionstorm, and i hope to rage the ladders of sc2 when it gets out. :), im by no means the best player...yet ;D, aside from that i enjoy custom content alot. :).

    it is posible that you rcognise me, since ive allways used this nick :).

    altho, its been oberved that others have taken the nick in sc2 atm :/. poor me. :).
    my Sc2 Name is Coldfusion.reaction

  • Greetings earthlings! \o

    I am Jum-Jum, a überhardcoremultigamer. Been gaming since I was ... ever? NES was the thing for me, then we got our very first computer and I was hooked. This is what you get when you live on the countryside with no friends within 12km of your home. We even have the old box with one game only, thats right... Pong.

    Also want to say that I am mostly a RTs and FPS gamer. There are a few RPG games that I enjoy but I pretty much only play them if it's coop.

    I love coop the most out of all the gamemodes, which is why I decided to make a coop campaign for SC2 since the engine seems to be able to handle it. Very excited on working on it.

    Registered User
  • i forget to says that i have all the map of wc3 and starcraft i have another game and have ps3 ps2 wii and old play

    Registered User
  • hi forget to says what iam my name is swormnight i live in france i love to play all the game and my hobbies is game computer and tennis

    Registered User
  • Residing in Colorado, hopefully will be making a few maps for SC2.

    Registered User
  • Hi I'm Vrael from starcraft. I found someone uploaded one of my incomplete maps to this site so I made an account to take control of it and upda

    atl 1
    Registered User
  • Spamming is not the best way to get it. It will just get you banned.

  • Hello, I am Blurbu. Right away when I got the patch 9 I made Team Micro Arena. You can download it from Team Micro Arena I go to high school in Finland etc. If you want to help me with making maps. I am doing Team Castle Defense. Just PM me : D

    Registered User
  • Hello All!
    I used to play SC a lot a long ago, stopped and now i Return with the SC2! It's Amazing!
    In, KveRa.ggts
    Good Luck!

    Registered User
  • hello guys!
    i'm from Russia,name Mihail(Michael)
    Big fan of Blizzard
    Speak english a little))

  • i like sc2, and that's all u'll need to know

    Registered User
  • evanstonefan
    Other fav games: Half-Life 2, F.E.A.R. 2, Bioshock, Prince of Persia, Dark Messiah, Scarface, World in Conflict, Supreme Commander 2, Quake 4, Borderlands, Call Of Juarez 2, UT3, Heroes V, Splinter Cell 1-5, Rainbow Six Vegas 2, Gears of War

    Love that someone plays Heroes... I'm more of a Heroes II and III fan, but awesome series.

  • I loved Heroes 5 too,played a lot of hours.
    Diablo 2:LoD,Sacred2,Titan Quest thats my favoirites RPG,and I waiting a Diablo3!

  • Hello, I am Sajuukh or Fyodor irl :P
    I am here to create many multiplayer maps, after that I will go and create my campaign and maybe even a mod :P
    Just got in beta (thanks to DaneMan for a beta key! :D ), playing as random or as zerg.
    I have got huge plans for sc2 making ;)
    And yes, thank you for awesome site and launcher tool! :D


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