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I got this error: Internal Server Error
There was a technical error with your request.
An email has been sent to the highly trained monkeys which run Nibbits. Unfortunately, they aren't very reliable, and the problem may not be fixed immediately. Hitting the refresh repeatedly usually just causes your head to hurt, so check back later.
The map name was Lurker Defense XYZ v.3.009F and is not currently up on nibbits that I can find. I can only assume someone tried to upload it before and it had an error and now no one can upload it similiar to my problem I had a while back with The Jim Raynor Movie (still unresolved).
I got this error:
Internal Server Error
There was a technical error with your request.
An email has been sent to the highly trained monkeys which run Nibbits. Unfortunately, they aren't very reliable, and the problem may not be fixed immediately. Hitting the refresh repeatedly usually just causes your head to hurt, so check back later.
The map name was Lurker Defense XYZ v.3.009F
and is not currently up on nibbits that I can find. I can only assume someone tried to upload it before and it had an error and now no one can upload it similiar to my problem I had a while back with The Jim Raynor Movie (still unresolved).