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Google stuck the error emails in my spam box :(
So I see a Neo Custom Wars submission (via project page), and it came back with a parsing error:
File "/home/dcramer/nibbits/nibbits/../nibbits/core/mpq/SCMapReader.py", line 83, in parse s = tbl.read(StringIO.StringIO(s)) File "/home/dcramer/nibbits/nibbits/../nibbits/core/mpq/tbl.py", line 9, in read offsets = struct.unpack("<%iH" % length, file.read(2*length)) error: unpack requires a string argument of length 131070
File "/home/dcramer/nibbits/nibbits/../nibbits/core/mpq/tbl.py", line 9, in read offsets = struct.unpack("<%iH" % length, file.read(2*length))
error: unpack requires a string argument of length 131070
I see a few more similar errors. Don't see anything that's not an uncaught parsing error though.
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Google stuck the error emails in my spam box :(
So I see a Neo Custom Wars submission (via project page), and it came back with a parsing error:
I see a few more similar errors. Don't see anything that's not an uncaught parsing error though.