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Sorry to burst your bubble, I just had a map I was trying to upload Mind Control Defence[Final] which was protected with GueEdit 1.1 and it failed to upload. I then tried protecting it with ProEdit and it also failed... finally I tried uploading it with no protection and it failed to upload. I think maybe just certain times your site isn't working to allow map uploads and that it has less to do with protection. Or there is something else on the map preventing it from being uploaded--not sure. Anyway I will be out of town this weekend and can try again when back.
Sorry to burst your bubble, I just had a map I was trying to upload Mind Control Defence[Final] which was protected with GueEdit 1.1 and it failed to upload. I then tried protecting it with ProEdit and it also failed... finally I tried uploading it with no protection and it failed to upload. I think maybe just certain times your site isn't working to allow map uploads and that it has less to do with protection. Or there is something else on the map preventing it from being uploaded--not sure. Anyway I will be out of town this weekend and can try again when back.