We’ve come to the conclusion that we have zero interest in Blizzard’s gaming portfolio. Perhaps our ambivalence stems from our console background — as opposed to PC — but either way, the seemingly inevitable announcement of Diablo, Starcraft or Warcraft on PS3 would do nothing to excite us.
Of course, Diablo in particular has been on PlayStation before. It launched on the PSone in 1998. Speaking at DICE [via Joystiq], executive Mike Morhaime brought up the subject of Diablo on consoles, stating there’s an “argument” for the franchise on consoles.
“I think you could make an argument that a game like Diablo might play very well on a console,” the executive said. “It’s something that we’re actually doing an investigation into to see if that could make sense.”
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- Posted On:
- Feb. 11, 2011
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