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- 5-year Plan of Blizzard Entertainment Leaks Out
“The leak took place on November 29, and shortly thereafter, Blizzard China’s general manager, Ye Weilun, was said to have been fired, or at least to have resigned. However, the Marbridge Daily reported that some Blizzard sources have suggested that Weilun’s departure was long in the works and was unrelated to any data leak.”
-MMOGameSite.com (http://www.next-gen.biz/news/blizzards-five-year-plan-leaked)
Following the leak of a lengthy clip from the last cut scene for StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm comes a leaked five-year plan production schedule for Blizzard Entertainment.
The report comes from MMOGameSite.com. According to the site’s source, Blizzard China manager Ye Weilun has been held responsible for the leaked document and has recently resigned. The document includes projected release dates for Diablo III, the World of Warcraft movie, future upcoming expansions for all of the company’s major properties, and Blizzard’s brand new MMO codenamed Titan.
According to the alleged five-year plan document, Diablo III will be expected to be launch in 2011 with two Diablo III expansions scheduled to release later in 2013 and 2014. The next World of Warcraft expansion after Cataclysm is expected to release in 2012, while the World of Warcraft movie and Titan are scheduled to release in 2013. Although no one has gotten a confirmation about the leak, there seems to be widespread agreement that the purported Blizzard product road map is realistic. Of course, even if it is real, any number of normal business circumstances could derail it during the five-year period.
MMOGameSite added that the leak also contains “a detailed list of its global subscriber database, company’s revenues, commercial budgets and media packages” and reports that Paul Sams, COO of Blizzard Global, will be in Shanghai in some date being provided ahead of a mooted reshuffle of the firm’s Chinese operation.
Source: accentedtouch.com
- Author:
- Mag 26
- Views (Total):
- 27,435
- Views (Daily):
- 5
- Posted On:
- March 16, 2011
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Hmm, interesting well such big company so ofc they leak out.
im really stoked for diablo 3 personally!
starcraft 2: heart of the storm is that the next in the starcraft series? it doesnt say it outright here but it implies it...
this is more than 2 months old! c one! i have this in my site a lot of time now!
here is the image:
WOOW I hope this was uploaded on WikiLeaks this is classified information and must be top secret...
Lame...and I dont know why do they not reveal this information , this is in their benefit.Actually from all the stuff I am most interested in the movie I hope i lived to see it in 2013.