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  • I do not get what you are asking but I have the skills to make a special forces on starcraft. Since I am not sure which special forces games you have played I will give you a list of tthe ones i know of, not all of them are here on nibbits(i guess I might upload them).

    •Special Forces Survival
    •Special Forces Extreme(I have like 9 versions of this)
    •Special Forces Kerrigan Army
    •Special Forces Extreme Toss(Protoss)
    •Special Forces Diamond(has bunkers)
    •Lynx Special Forces(easy if u have more than 2 ppl)
    •Special Forces Kerrigan Army 2
    •Marine Special Forces

    I have never played on the brood war server(even though i have broodwar) so i think i skipped alot.

    I can haz custom title now???

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