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  • I am a great fan of seeing console games emulated by starcraft. A few of my favorites are civilization and Empire Earth. So I thought y not make an attempt to create the hit "get a life on the farm" Harvest Moon game in SC. Anyone who is interested in working on this project with me plz send me a pm. If you have any ideas or feedback please post it here.

    -4-6 players
    -each player runs his own farm
    -different zerg building correspond to veggies
    -night/day cycle;farmer must be in bed by night to restore stamina
    -each activity/time spent on farmland reduces stamina
    -overworking renders ur farmer sick and unable to work the next day
    -different veggies available in different seasons
    -veggies take several days(gametime) to fully grow
    -players can harrass each others farm/crops with different tools(pitchfork,fire)
    -players recieve 1 pet dog(zling) to guard there farm
    -option to buy animals(cow,chicken;Bling,ultra) which produce daily source of income
    -Interactive town
    -Wilderness where various rare items can be searched for
    -any other ideas u guys have post em here


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