Introduce Yourself
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  • First let me say, welcome to Nibbits!

    I wanted to bring up the opportunity for everyone to have the chance to introduce themselves, so I will go first.

    My name is David, and many of you also know me as zeeg. I'm a former UO player, and have given just about every MMO a shot. I typically stick to MMO/RTS games, but tend to learn towards FPS sometimes. I play WC3 actively still (mostly tower defense maps), and am pumped about map making in StarCraft 2. I'm also the founder, and developer of (and it's sister sites).

    Have feedback about Let me know!
  • Ello, I am mb53 (Matthew Burroughs), and live in Colorado. I play Warcraft 3 a lot, and am planning to start making maps in the summer. I just bought Starcraft (getting delivered tomorrow if I remember correctly, am actually pretty psyched), and my friend might be able to get me a sc2 beta key. I used to play WoW, then decided it was a waste of money. I occasionally play LoL.

    Some other places I have been/am in. If I remember others I will post them =D

  • Hello I am Lazerus Echs, (Levi McDowall). I make maps on wc tft and will hope to be doing the same on sc2 if it happens to strike my fancy.

    I like music, I am in a deathmetal band but I steer closer to the progressive side of chromatic-s. Born of Osiris is atm the only thing triggering my extreme need for new music.

    I have worked in art gallories as among drilling rigs and tech support facilities. Vastness is my game and Lazerus is my name. Glad to meet you.

  • Howdy. I'm Logan. I... play Starcraft regularly, Warcraft III rarely, WoW on the odd day and used to play Warcraft II competitively. I follow the Korean professional Starcraft scene online. I enjoy coding (Python, PHP) and messing around with WoW private server source codes. I hope to make Diplomacy and World War maps in Starcraft II.

    See you around!

  • I am the Freedbot, a simple machine with a simple dream: Destroy all humans. That is all you need know.

    Amuse me.

  • Hi I'm Vrael from starcraft. I found someone uploaded one of my incomplete maps to this site so I made an account to take control of it and update it.

    Registered User
  • Nice whats the map?

    Oh and freedbot... I liked bender better. 'Simple is as simple does', that's what my mom always told my little brother.

  • Im matt Aka Cronos on the net. I played wow for to long but also love rts and glad sc2 is coming out. Also cant wait to mess around making sc2 maps

  • Hello ALl! I am ScADoO from Houston Texas - United States AKA iAgaist, a long time starcraft fan, and I play a wide assortment of games as a matter of fact. Gaming in general is a good hobby I have enjoyed over the years, I also am a all around Musician, been in two local bands that were fairly successful. I also am an avid surfer here on the Third Coast - Dirty South, what ever you want to call us Gulf surfers here on the TCTX. Musically now days I have headed to a solo artist, I have worked over a year of recording song Ideas , guitar riffs, and recently reviewed all my stuff from the past year. I am now ready to put everything together, Just need to finish my home studio :) Anyway, I have been waiting on SC2 since the day it was announced, its taken a very long time to get to the beta, and stoked ive been able to play!

    Registered User
  • I forgot to say hi several weeks ago :D :D

  • Hi all,

    I'm me, and I'm from the land down under. :D

    Favourite games are Starcraft, Dawn of War, Company of Heroes and Team Fortress 2. Used to play Warcraft III loads, ages ago, but the abundance of DotA and the scarcity of TD maps being hosted annoyed the heck out of me.

    ...thats about it, i think. :/

    Registered User
  • Hello!

    My real name is Calle Svensson. I am a student/developer from Sweden who plays Starcraft and sometimes WC3. Currently I'm playing the SC2 beta.

    I'm involved in the starcraft2replay project. Our goal is to create libraries (currently replays are in focus) to handle Starcraft 2 files.

    Registered User
  • Hey forgot to say hi when i joined a few weeks ago.
    My name is jonathan. Soon to be student at Montclair University and currently waiting to get sc2 beta :( but still got my hopes up and enjoying the cite!!

  • I haz custom title
  • Good job introducing yourself ST ^.^

  • hi, im superbau, i play SC from 1998. I like this place. ENTARO ADUN

  • Hey all!

    I am Priced! just started playing Warcraft 3 again after a 4 year break and looking for maps I found this great site.

    I love everything Blizzard and am an avid WoW player.

    see you all around.

    Registered User
  • Hello! Loving the site!

  • donk)sz( -- used to play vanilla SC with a group known as )sz( (you might remember early 'shared base' maps before the team melee setting was added, or boo2u)sz( as the most active ladder player until it was overrun with hacked records) looking to get back into playing with SC2 and potentially making some melee maps. Used to code in C/C++ and PHP, and am starting to get back into it as I spend more time on the computer, in anticipation of SC2.

    Anyone new here, be sure to check out: #nibbits

  • Hello, my name is Jay Stevens and I have been within the Staredit Network mapping community since 2004. I was more leaning over the site Maplantis until it fell through, but needless to say I am an experienced map maker. I am currently in the Marine Corps and try my best to continue mapping, but me and most of my close-knit e-friends on SC have not been able to actually release any maps because we keep finding something else to start working on.

    I am very impressed with Nibbits and it is truly the most expansive DLDB to be created. You all should be grateful that someone has actually built this amazing site.

  • Hey everybody. Some of you may already know me. MePHiStO_IS_GoD Is my starcraft name I've been using for a long time now. I've been playing SC since 2000, going to college now (I'm an old bastard),and can't wait for SC2.

    I'm an on and off again mapper, most known for my Horror quadrilogy Pathways Into Darkness. And of course, my string of movie maps. Almost all my maps are on Nibbits, and I gotta say this site is the shit. It's got a huge database and a ton of maps I remember playing when i was a little tyke.

    Hopefully after this semester ends ill get some time to make some more maps just for fun. Enjoy the maps here guys!

  • Hi, I used to play sc1 a lot a long ago, and recently I discovered the Korean pro scene. I am mad with the new game and really wishing it to come out

    Registered User
  • Vernam7 here sir, ready for h@ck duty ;-)

    This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.- Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
    Developer & Moderator
  • Hello All! very happy to find an answer to play and test the new version of starcraft !
    I'm from France neer Paris and use to play with the first version of Starcraft, framus76 is my nike name
    I'm just traying SC2 since a week and thinks that it will be a very good version, very nice, clear and easy to play!
    have a good day and write you soon !!

    Registered User
  • Here to post my maps and get inspiration.
    Yes, I am a starcraft geek, and im proud! XD
    When SC 2 comes out, I'm going to make that amazing third person shooter zombie game i've been dreaming about...

    . (+++)<--Zombie

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