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  • Hello ALl! I am ScADoO from Houston Texas - United States AKA iAgaist, a long time starcraft fan, and I play a wide assortment of games as a matter of fact. Gaming in general is a good hobby I have enjoyed over the years, I also am a all around Musician, been in two local bands that were fairly successful. I also am an avid surfer here on the Third Coast - Dirty South, what ever you want to call us Gulf surfers here on the TCTX. Musically now days I have headed to a solo artist, I have worked over a year of recording song Ideas , guitar riffs, and recently reviewed all my stuff from the past year. I am now ready to put everything together, Just need to finish my home studio :) Anyway, I have been waiting on SC2 since the day it was announced, its taken a very long time to get to the beta, and stoked ive been able to play!

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