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  • Unless you're talking about having computers be parts of those teams, you can't have excess of 8 players. Also, if each player can pretty much only do 1 thing, it might get boring pretty fast. Maybe if you allow them all to spend to increase their econ, that would de-specialize them enough; you'd be left with 3 classes: Support, Offense, and Defense.

    On to my idea. In short? This game. In not-short?...

    I'm currently working on a board game map, but unlike most others, it isn't based off a popular real life board game. This one's based off Culdcept Saga, a niche game for the Xbox 360 that mixes board game with CCG. You move around the board like Monopoly, and like Monopoly, you pay to claim spaces. Unlike Monopoly, you place a monster on the board from your hand of cards to indicate your ownership. Like Monopoly, when an opponent lands on a space you've claimed, they have to pay a toll. However, they can play a monster of their own to "invade" your space, and do battle like in many CCGs, using other cards representing armor, weapons, and magic tools, and the winner of the battle keeps the land (and if that's the defender, they're paid the toll). Each space (usually) has one of the four elements attributed to it, and when its inhabiting monster is of the same element, it gets a bonus to its HP in battle. Also like Monopoly, you can pay to increase the toll of a land (Level Up), which also increases the HP bonus. I think I've easily surpassed the point where, if you actually want to keep reading about Culdcept Saga, you'd be better off reading the Culdcept Saga Wikipedia article.

    Given the complexity of the game, I couldn't hope to make anything that comes even close to a true representation of the game. It's just going to be heavily inspired by the game, not totally based on it. There will be a bunch of features missing customizable decks, and especially missing players each having a different deck. But as an homage to the original, I might later re-create some of the official board designs.


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