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  • Hardly the negative ... after all, you saved Nibbits ... and THAT isn't lost on anyone here.

    As for the idea, sure it has merit, a lot of potential even, but a fleshing out would be needed ... brain storming, ideas on the table time.

    Your vision for your site, now you are in the drivers seat would be good. You've kept the site on a "steady as she goes" setting, which is commendable, but you no doubt have many ideas.

    From my perspective, enhancements in the following two areas may be worth considering - full map creator control over their own maps, and fundamentals of a forum with regards to every day business, for example, some weeks ago I asked vernam7 to merge some of my topics. That was not possible so the content was simply deleted. Thus losing a part of the history of Nibbits.


    opensource Starcraft 2 maps:

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