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  • dcramer
    ExcaliburMy new project Diplomacy: Empires seems to be bugged. Trying to view the specific map gives a deleted/removed from nibbits page. Download still work however.

    Also how do I set a preview for my project? Should it be auto-generating an image from the map? Is something broken?

    It appears there's a slight bug when submitting unparsable maps for project creation. It LOOKS like it simply failed to parse the map, and didn't error out like it normally would.

    I went ahead and marked it as visible, and you'll just want to edit the map and update the information.

    I'll probably be tweaking the map submission in the future to allow submission of protected maps that we cannot parse, just requiring you to fill in the detailsl

    New bug: by virtue of not being ranked, it ended up above the #1 on the popular list :P


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