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  • As you can see here
    azala has removed Diplomacy: Empires 0.84 because I locked a topic of his on SEN. I consider this abuse, as my map broke no rules.

    I would like to have it put back in the same popularity spot it was in, and if that isn't possible I guess I'll just reupload it, however I would suggest you make sure azala does not abuse his position again and give us a repeat of the situation.

    Edit: .90 is pretty much ready for release anyway, so I guess I'll just put that up.

    I really would appreciate some sort of reprimand though, abusive moderators really run a place down.

    Edit2: Seems he removed .81 as well. Oh bother.

    Edit3: Seems he de-activated them, but then when I reactivated them, it said they were removed and unavailable to the public. Sigh. I'm just going to remove them from the project and try to get .90 up, but Nibbits still doesn't like my protection it seems.


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