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  • Umm so can u translate in a language that I can understand?

    I'd like to know how I would be able to get the Neo_Custom_Hero_Wars_1.4e.scx file on the project list.

    We need a very good explanation because I have no trouble uploading other maps. I just can't upload maps with "Neo" on it.

    There's no reason why I shouldn't suspect that either nibbits' owner is a fan of the hacked chw series or the site is being hacked by a fan of the hacked chw series.


    In fact I'm going to do a thorough testing with maps and map names to prove this point.


    Update: I changed a standard blizzard scx map's name to Neo_Custom_Hero_Wars_1.4e & it actually uploaded....

    So this is how it goes: I can change the name of Neo_Custom_Hero_Wars_1.4e & upload it,

    or I can change the name of a miscellaneous unprotected map into Neo_Custom_Hero_Wars_1.4e & upload it...

    Does it have to do with map protection?

    <erste = 1st >

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