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  • I believe there are many other people like me that use Nibbits as the only source for good quality maps, instead of searching all around.

    Recently, we have been gifted with many map makers that post their maps here, and read our feedbacks and use them to improve their maps, instead of only trusting in their own map's communities.

    What I'm asking here, is that all these map makers (including me) post in their projects the change log of their maps, since we've been seeing many updates of good maps on the past weeks, and we have to go to the map's site to check what's new (for those who go that far).

    So, to improve the Nibbits community, and help us to help you, what about posting your change logs each time you update your maps?

    Thank you.

    Be preparaed for reviews at a whole new level..
    MT Team member

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